Saturday, December 28, 2019

Structural Funcionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic...

In this paper, I will discuss three different schools of thought that, while they may seem to explain the inner workings of society, by themselves they fail to satisfy completely. For each theory, I will discuss the basics and cover the main tenants of each. Then, I will discuss the ambiguities, inadequacies and irrelevance to reality based on our current understanding of modern society. Structural Functionalism In the Functionalist School of Thought, society is viewed as being a complex structure of inter-related parts, analogous to a living being, with many different organs contributing to the daily functioning and health of the entire organism. From evolving societies still going through the processes of differentiation of social†¦show more content†¦If we are to look at society as a super-organism, then we have to accept that conflict is a vital part of any organisms’ future development and evolution. Humans weren’t put on this earth perfected; through biological conflict with the environment and disease, we have evolved into what we are now. While still not perfect, evolution is still taking place. The same is true for societies. No one society was born perfect. Society has evolved from the same analogous process of trial and error, success and failure. While not all conflict is productive, it is necessary to the evolution of society. Functionalism all but ignores this aspect. Conflict Theory Where the positivist theory of Structural Functionalism focuses on the rigidity and stability of society, conflict theories focus on the chaotic, negative and unequal aspects. This perspective is constructed from the numerous hypotheses of Karl Marx, who saw society as intrinsically broken, and constantly in a state of disarray with social groups competing for a limited amount of social capitol and economic resources. According to Marx, society is constructed around two classes of people: the ruling class and the subject class. Those in the ruling class have a disproportionately large control over all resources, and use this power to subjugate the lower classes. This ensures that the ruling class never gives up power, due to the fact that the lower classes have to struggle to obtain

Friday, December 20, 2019

Media Portrayal Of The Criminal Justice System - 945 Words

Media Portraying the Criminal Justice System Different forms of media, such as television, films, books, and newspapers, have similar ways of portraying the criminal justice system. The media constructs representations of crime and justice and in doing this, it presents an often dramatized representation of the criminal justice system; and this does not just influence on the public’s lay view of crime but also for criminal justice experts (Marsh, 2014). In the media it is commonly known that they are a business, and businesses need to make a profit. Because of this, the media’s portrayal of the criminal justice system has been very negative. With the news, their main purpose is to produce what sells. So many of them would edit the information they have gathered and make a story that will sell. Also the media does not show the full process of the criminal justice as a quick process, while in fact it is not. For example, last year, Netflix released a short series c alled â€Å"Making A Murderer†. Most people claimed that they feel like they can solve a crime when they finished watching a series. While that series is very factual, it does not hit every single step of the criminal justice process. Media’s Impact on Viewer’s Perception Viewers rely on the media to inform them about what is going on in the world. Just like people, however the news industry has different biases. Which is why two different news channels will tell a different story on what is based on the sameShow MoreRelatedRacial Segregation And Popular Culture1676 Words   |  7 Pages The unreliable generalizations and disturbing portrayals of members in a racial group contribute to the justification of unequal treatment in various systems that impact people in the society negatively. Racial biases exist unconsciously in our attitudes. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Critical Thinking to Culture and Organizations

Question: Discussion of "How General Electric adapts their corporate culture in Singapore". As this module is about culture, you can define culture here Critically discuss and evaluate the cultural issues of your chosen topic by using the framework dimensions. Analyse the issues, use the theoretical concepts to explain/defend your evaluation about what is happening in that issue you are discussing. Answer: Introduction General Electric Co. is an innovation and budgetary administrations organization that creates and produces items for the era, transmission, circulation, control and use of electricity.(GE a) Its items and administrations incorporate air ship motors, power era, water handling, security innovation, restorative imaging, business and purchaser financing, media content and modern items. (GE a)The organization works through eight sections: Power Water, Oil Gas, Energy Management, Aviation, Healthcare, Transportation, Home Business Solutions and GE Capital.(GE c) The Power Water fragment serves power era, modern, government and different clients worldwide with items and administrations identified with vitality creation. The Oil Gas section supplies mission discriminating gear for the worldwide oil and gas industry, utilized in applications crossing the whole esteem chain from boring and consummation through creation, condensed common gas and pipeline layering, pipeline examination, and downstream preparing in refineries and petrochemical plants. The Energy Management fragment gives incorporated electrical items and frameworks used to disperse, ensure and control vitality and supplies. It make electrical circulation and control items, lighting and force boards, switchgear and circuit breakers that are utilized to disperse and oversee control in an assortment of private, business, shopper and modern applications. The Aviation portion creates, offers and administrations plane motors, turboprop and turbo shaft motors, and related new parts for utilization in military and business air ship. Its military motors are utilized as a part of a wide mixture of flying machine including contenders, aircraft, tankers, helicopters and observation airplane and marine applications. The Healthcare fragment gives health awareness innovations, for example, therapeutic imaging and data advances, medicinal diagnostics, patient checking frameworks, ailment examination, drug revelation a nd biopharmaceutical assembling innovations. This fragment predicts and recognizes ailment prior; observing its advance and advising doctors, and helping doctors tailor treatment for patients. The Transportation section gives engineering answers for clients in different commercial enterprises, which incorporate railroad, travel, mining, oil and gas, power era and marine. It likewise gives arrangement of administration offerings intended to enhance armada productivity and diminish working costs, including repair administrations, train upgrades, modernizations, and data based administrations like remote checking and diagnostics. The Home Business Solutions puts resources into the advancement of separated items, for example, vitality effective answers for both buyers and organizations. Its items incorporate real machines and subsets of lighting items are principally steered to shopper applications, while other lighting items and computerization arrangements are administered towards bu siness and modern applications. The GE Capital fragment's administrations incorporate business credits and leases, armada administration, money related projects, home advances, charge cards, individual credits and other budgetary administrations. It gives its administrations to all sizes of organizations around the world. Models of Organizational Culture The new and versatile conduct imparted through hierarchical qualities and convictions are connected with ceremonies, myths and images to fortify the center presumptions of authoritative society (Hofstede, 1991). In connection to the above definition, Brown (1998, p 9) characterizes authoritative culture as "the example of convictions, values and educated methods for adapting to experience that have created amid the course of an association's history, and which have a tendency to be showed in its material courses of action and in the practices of its parts". This proposes that hierarchical society is explained in the association, so as to shape the path in which authoritative parts ought to act. On the other hand, this example of qualities, standards, convictions, demeanor, standards and presumptions may be unwritten or non-verbalized conduct that portrays the route in which things accomplish; to give the association its extraordinary character (Brown, 1998). Given the different meanings of hierarchical society which were examined in this segment, the embraced and significant definition for this study is expressed by Harrison (1993: 11) as the "unique star grouping of convictions, qualities, work styles, and connections that recognize one association from an alternate". As it were, authoritative society incorporates those characteristics of the association that provide for it a specific atmosphere or feel. Thus the different characteristics of an association may show through four measurements, in particular force, part, and accomplishment and help (Harrison, 1993). Harrisons Model of Organizational Culture There are distinctive spellbinding models that endeavor to diagnose authoritative culture in the field of hierarchical advancement. Harrison (1993) presents a hypothetical model with the end goal of diagnosing hierarchical society. Harrison (1993) expresses that however the model is proposed to be engaging as opposed to evaluative, there is a propensity to see it in evaluative terms. This illustrative model makes a familiarity with the way of life crevice between the current and favored societies in an association (Harrison, 1993). Moreover, this model keeps up that hierarchical society can be diagnosed in four social measurements, to be specific force situated society; part arranged society; accomplishment arranged culture; and help arranged society (Harrison, 1993). The authoritative society model displayed in figure 1 show that the four measurements of society introduction are measured inside two modes of operation, which are formalization and centralization (Harrison, 1993). Both modes of operation can be measured on a size of low or abnormal states. As indicated by Martins and Martins (2003) high formalization in an association makes consistency, efficiency and consistency. As such, a solid society can serve as a substitute for formalization. This recommends that the association's formal principles and regulations which act to manage its parts' conduct can be disguised by hierarchical parts when they acknowledge the association's culture; this happens without the requirement for composed documentation (Martins Martins, 2003). Along these lines, low formalization of guidelines and regulations could reflect a powerless authoritative society. Corporate Culture ALL associations have their own particular corporate society. Solid societies developed throughout the years can't be effortlessly changed overnight. Changes in corporate society are made when another governing body or another CEO assumes control over the reins of an organization.(TEIK, 2010) They feel more great working in the new environment if the way of life is more like that of their past organization. (TEIK, 2010) Perpetually, they force their own particular form of corporate society to the organization by exacerbating changes for better or. The conflict of societies can have destroying results on the benefit and longterm survival of the firm. Solid societies will oppose significant changes and constantly, the newcomer will need to submit to the current social mentality. (TEIK, 2010) There is no privilege or best corporate society for an association. Administration needs to choose suitable society to fit the business environment at a specific time.(TEIK, 2010) No business system can succeed without the privilege hierarchical culture set up. It is not simple to characterize corporate society. Society is a typical method for considering. Society includes the association's imparted qualities, practices, images, and suppositions.(TEIK, 2010) General Electric in Singapore GE is a propelled engineering, administrations and money organization tackling the world's hardest difficulties. (Blas, 2014) Committed to development in vitality, wellbeing, transportation and foundation, GE works in more than 100 nations and utilizes around 300,000 individuals around the world. GE follows its beginnings to Thomas A. Edison, who made Edison Electric Light Company in 1878. (Blas, 2014) In 1892, a merger of Edison General Electric Company and Thomson-Houston Electric Organization made General Electric Company. GE is the main organization recorded in the Dow Jones Mechanical Index today that was likewise included in the first record in 1896. GE's association with Singapore goes once again to 1969 when the organization opened various hardware assembling plants. (Blas, 2014)These were hence trailed by a flying machine motor upkeep, upgrade, and repair shop that administrations customers all through the Asia Pacific bowl. Today, GE utilizes in excess of 3000 individuals i n Singapore, working nearly with neighborhood accomplices on key base activities in the vitality, transportation, water and wellbeing parts using forefront, clean, proficient innovations and business financing ability. (Blas, 2014) All GE organizations: GE Energy Infrastructure, GE Technology Infrastructure, GE Capital, and GE Home furthermore Business Solutions have vicinity in Singapore, with various them having their local central command in the nation. (Blas, 2014) GE Volunteers includes GE representatives, and retirees in more than 3,500 activities over 45 nations "great individuals, doing incredible things" to enhance the groups where they live and work. (Blas, 2014) Through dynamic engagement, GE Volunteers in Singapore together with GE Volunteers everywhere throughout the world, help to have noteworthy effects in the ranges of instruction, group improvement, wellbeing, also nature by enhancing understudy accomplishment, supporting group imperativeness and supporting natura l stewardship. Bla, 2014) GE Foundation, the humanitarian association of GE, gives concedes and puts resources into activities that work to fathom a percentage of the world's most troublesome issues. As a team with our accomplices, GE helps U.s. what's more universal training, creating wellbeing universally, the earth, open arrangement, human rights, debacle alleviation and group accomplishment around the globe. (Blas, 2014) The advancement fever in developing markets is common in such essential businesses as training, social insurance, and guard. (Sheth et al, n.d) An established researcher in developed economies now perceives the capacities of researchers in developing markets. This is one motivation behind why the director of GE, Jeffrey Immelt, is putting resources into what he calls "reverse development." with a specific end goal to go up against developing multinationals from rising economies, General Electric has chosen to develop in Singapore and create items there that may be suitable for disregarded markets in America. (Sheth et al, n.d) What Sheth et al are discussing, then, is a standard transformation, from only taking worldwide items and making a couple of adjustments for neighborhood markets to really beginning with nearby advancement to make new worldwide items. In-business sector advancement additionally helps further the combination of distinctive trains, societies, and courses of action of development. (Sheth et al, n.d) This implies combination of organic and physical sciences, and in addition combination of hardware into everything to make them shrewd. It likewise means mixing worldwide ability to cooperate in virtual groups. This combination will make the verbal confrontation whether to develop in-business sector or adjust to neighborhood needs debatable. (Sheth et al, n.d) It has been practically 10 years since Jack Welch resigned as GE's executive and CEO, however the legacy and strategies for one of the greatest names in corporate America is still generally discussed, even loved. Welch, apparently a standout amongst the most conspicuous advanced administration chieftains, was instrumental in pushing the organization's line of items, including flying machine motors and therapeutic gear, to market pioneers in their individual segments. Hidden the organization's proceeded with achievement is an eternal line from Thomas Edison, creator of the light and author of GE, "I figure out what the world needs, then I continue to design it". This soul of development and mechanical capacity drove Welch to accomplish an essentially unparalleled accomplishment of developing the aggregate's benefit by about 30 times amid his rule of two decades. Contenders and fans looking to copy such a win may attract persuasion GE's standardization of an initiative improvement and individuals administration framework that likewise makes the organization a most loved chasing ground for official hunt firms. While Welch's unconventional routines were hailed to be amusement changing, not everybody was partial to his methodology. For one, the 'rank and yank' arrangement of terminating workers who were given the least reviewing in normal audits, have picked up acclaim (or rather, reputation) far and wide. Under Jeff Immelt, Welch's hand-picked successor, who assumed control in 2001, prior days September 11, a few things, in the same way as how GE oversees and grooms its representatives, have changed. Yet, others, in the same way as certain center execution parameters and qualities encapsulating the GE method for running organizations, have not. At a late Wee Kim Wee Center CEO talk held at Singapore Management University, Ed Ng, president and CEO of GE Capital South East Asia, the organization's financing unit, imparted experiences on some of these progressions, and also GE's human capital improvement society. "I'm certain huge numbers of you now would stop before you consider working for a pioneer like Jack on the grounds that he has such an intense notoriety. However under Jeff Immelt's open authority, you would consider, isn't that so? Since that is the way things are currently. We have developed," he said. The progressions, as indicated by Ng, incorporated his own administration style as well. "In a vast lattice association like GE where I have numerous stakeholders and individuals beneath me have numerous stakeholder obligations, you need to deal with the "winds" and get to your target like a sailboat. I used to be similar to a bulldozer, yet the military's charge and-control way simply brings about unnecessary losses." Ng said that GE's society has advanced to end up more open. Case in point, more youthful eras of representatives, specifically, will all the more promptly impart to their managers what they think are issues and respectability infringement inside the organization. This, thusly, has to a degree influenced the mentality at the top. "Gone are the times of pioneers who know everything. Gone likewise are the times of the pompous and threatening initiative styles." New organization pioneers are likewise more open and comprehensive. "As of late, at a representative occasion in Singapore, our Chairman, Jeff Immelt, when solicited what was one from the best lessons he had learnt from the late worldwide emergency, answered he was more arranged to say 'I don't have the foggiest idea' all the more frequently." As such, I think it is alright for pioneers to say 'I am not sure' and I admire an administrator who can come up to me and concede 'I don't have the foggiest idea'," said Ng. Taking risks Despite the fact that there have been changes in the organization's culture, sure perspectives, in the same way as the attention on estimations of trustworthiness, remains. While things like "qualities" can't be measured and don't appear on the accounting report, GE views pretty much as exceedingly. As per Ng, "on the off chance that you have an individual who conveys solid money related results yet fails to offer the qualities, the honesty, its a simple choice we evacuate that individual as effortlessly as one who has low execution and is low on qualities". On the off chance that a representative is as yet settling down into his or her employment, or as yet attempting to accomplish what Ng calls "execution force", the organization is readied to give that worker another opportunity. Toward the end, it takes more than simply hard-charging abilities and business-sharp to fit in well in today's GE, he said. "We need individuals who are sufficiently enormous to concede their slip-ups, sufficiently keen to know them, and sufficiently solid to rectify them." Be that as it may, fresh opportunities, yes, iron rice bowls, no. The worker who commits the same error twice will be given the boot. Execution and assessment stays straightforward and extreme in the GE weight cooker, after a seemingly endless amount of time. "We don't generally rebuff disappointments in light of the fact that we generally have faith in renewed opportunities. Anyway in the event that you demonstrate an absence of business keenness in that you don't snatch business opportunities, then you are just a director," he included. Acclaim for examination framework GE is known for the way it transforms authority improvement and ability administration into a science more than a workmanship. Case in point, in every single position, there must be a distinguished successor, from inside or outer sources. To hold fast to this practice, the chase on-going to reveal "ability practices" is a consistent, progressing methodology.Basic to this ability administration framework is GE's extensive prize and distinguishment program, which permits any chief to go online and perceive workers by method for money or non-money rewards. Each representative uses the Employee Management System every year to evaluate themselves as his associates and chiefs do likewise.What makes this framework to some degree unique in relation to whatever other staff evaluation frameworks is that it obliges a definite rundown of achievements and scores the representative against particular GE development qualities (the initiative potential scale), including the worker's outer centering. Conclusions Society can be characterized as the whole of the convictions, standards, procedures, organizations, and antiquities that portray human populations or the aggregate programming of the mind. Sociologists generally discuss the socialization methodology, alluding to the impact of folks, companions, instruction, and the communication with different parts of a specific culture as the premise for one's society. These impacts bring about educated examples of conduct regular to parts of a given society. As should be obvious, meanings of society shift as indicated by the center of investment, the unit of investigation, and the disciplinary methodology (brain science, humanities, humanism, topography, and so on.). This is noteworthy in that investigations of social contrasts embrace a particular definition and set of measurable criteria, which are constantly easily proven wrong. Research into society and its effect in business and administration studies is profoundly argumentative and ought not simply be taken at face quality, including the studies depicted underneath. There is a solid accord, on the other hand, that key components of society incorporate dialect, religion, values, demeanor, traditions, and standards of a gathering or society. Dialect is maybe the most imperative key to comprehension culture in general and the particular qualities, convictions, demeanor, and conclusions of a specific individual or gathering. English is generally acknowledged as the dialect of business; numerous worldwide establishments and organizations have received English as their authority dialect. For some organizations, for example, Toyota, GE, Hitachi, and IBM Japan, English-talking capacity is an essential for promotion. On the other hand, any suspicion that talking the same dialect uproots social contrasts is unsafe it regularly simply shrouds them. Also, a dependence on English by British and American chiefs, and an absence of other dialect aptitudes, can debilitate their capacity to understand and adjust to different societies. Religion, connected to both territorial qualities and dialect, additionally impacts business culture through a set of imparted center qualities. Protestants hold solid convictions about the quality of postponed satisfaction, sparing, and venture. The humanist Max Weber, writing in 1904, saw this Protestant hard working attitude as the "soul of private enterprise" amid the Industrial Revolution. Rather than spending, devouring, and appreciating l ife now, their religious convictions provoked the Protestants to look to longer-term prizes (counting those in the after-life). There are parallels with the Confucian and Shinto hard working attitudes, which likewise see otherworldly remunerates as fixing to diligent work and duty to the soil grown foods of industry. Differentiating this, a more stoic mentality among some African populaces mostly clarifies their acknowledgement of the ways things are, on the grounds that it is the "will of God". At the most general level society can allude basically to the way of life and conduct of a given gathering of individuals, so corporate society is a term used to portray how the supervisors and workers of specific organizations have a tendency to carry on. Yet the term is additionally utilized by human asset administrators and senior administration in their endeavors to proactively shape the sort of conduct (inventive, open, dynamic, and so forth.) they want to support in their associations. Advancing an unique corporate society is likewise anticipated that will enhance. References Berzon, J. (2008) Nuclear Growth Galore. Seeking Alpha. Online. 26 February 2008. Blas, j.(2014) General Electric in Singapore. General Electric. Bock, W. (2001) Assessing Jack Welch. Monday Memo. Online. 10 September 2001. Prahalad C.K. and Gary Hamel (1990) The Core Competence of the Corporation. Harvard Business Review. MayJune 1990. Byrne, J.A. (1998) How Jack Welch runs GE: A Close-up Look at How America's #1 Manager Runs GE. Online. 8 June 1998. Charan, R. (2006) Sharpening Your Business Acumen. Business+Strategy. eNews. Online. 30 March 2006. The Economist (see (2009) The Jack Welch MBA. Business View. General Electric Company (see GE) GE (1995) To Our Share Owners: 1995 Annual Report. General Electric Company (see GE) GE (2000) To Our Share Owners: 2000 Annual Report. General Electric Company (see GE) GE Annual Reports (2001) Annual Reports. Online. Viewed 20 July 2009. General Electric Company (see GE) GE (2003) Letter to Stakeholders: GEs Growth Strategy. 2003 Annual Report. General Electric Company (see GE) GE (2007) Letter to Investors: Our Investors. 2007 Annual Report. Grant, Robert M. (2008) Cases to accompany Contemporary Strategy Analysis, Sixth Edition. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Sheth et al, (n.d), Innovate or Adapt? Harvard Business Review. TEIK, (2010), Corporate Culture and Cultural Challenges, Singapore Institiute of Mnagement (SIM).

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Cia Research Paper free essay sample

Account of the work of the CIA, discussing in some detail the nature of the relationship between the intelligence-gatherer and the policy-maker. Since the 1970s the CIA has provided intelligence to Congress as well as to the executive, so that it now finds itself in a remarkable position, involuntarily poised nearly equidistant between them. It has not however abused this freedom of action, probably unique among world intelligence agencies, so as to cook intelligence. CIA deputy director. Robert M. Gates, a career intelligence officer, is Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. He served on the National Security Council staff from the spring of 1974 until December 1979. Tweet Close Style: MLA APA Chicago More Sharing Services Over the years, public views of the Central Intelligence Agency and its role in American foreign policy have been shaped primarily by movies, television, novels, newspapers, books by journalists, headlines growing out of congressional inquiries, exposes by former intelligence officers, and essays by experts who either have never served in American intelligence, or have served and still not understood its role. The CIA is said to be an invisible government, yet it is the most visible, most externally scrutinized and most publicized intelligence service in the world. While the CIA sometimes is able to refute publicly allegations and criticism, usually it must remain silent. The result is a contradictory melange of images of the CIA and very little understanding of its real role in American government. Because of a general lack of understanding of the CIA’s role, a significant controversy such as the Iran-contra affair periodically brings to the surface broad questions of the proper relationship between the intelligence service and policymakers. It raises questions of whether the CIA slants or cooks its intelligence analysis to support covert actions or policy, and of the degree to which policymakers (or their staffs) selectively use—and abuse—intelligence to persuade superiors, Congress or the public. Beyond this, recent developments, such as the massive daily flow of intelligence information to Congress, have complicated the CIA’s relationships with the rest of the executive branch in ways not at all understood by most observers—including those most directly involved. These questions and issues merit scrutiny. II The CIA’s role in the foreign policy process is threefold. First, the CIA is responsible for the collection and analysis of intelligence and its distribution to policymakers—principally to the president, the National Security Council (NSC) and the Departments of State and Defense; although in recent years many other departments and agencies have become major users of intelligence as well. This is a well-known area, and I will address it only summarily About CIA The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Harry S. Truman. The act also created a Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to serve as head of the United States intelligence community; act as the principal adviser to the President for intelligence matters related to the national security; and serve as head of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 amended the National Security Act to provide for a Director of National Intelligence who would assume some of the roles formerly fulfilled by the DCI, with a separate Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency serves as the head of the Central Intelligence Agency and reports to the Director of National Intelligence. The CIA directors responsibilities include: †¢Collecting intelligence through human sources and by other appropriate means, except that he shall have no police, subpoena, or law enforcement powers or internal security functions; †¢Correlating and evaluating ntelligence related to the national security and providing appropriate dissemination of such intelligence; Providing overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence outside the United States through human sources by elements of the Intelligence Community authorized to undertake such collection and, in coordination with other departments, agencies, or elements of the United States Government which are authorized to undertake such collection, ensuring that the most effective use is made of resources and that appropriate account is taken of the risks to the United States and those involved in such collection; and †¢Performing such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the President or the Director of National Intelligence may direct. The function of the Central Intelligence Agency is to assist the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in carrying out the responsibilities outlined above. To accomplish its mission, the CIA engages in research, development, and deployment of high-leverage technology for intelligence purposes. As a separate agency, CIA serves as an independent source of analysis on topics of concern and also works closely with the other organizations in the Intelligence Community to ensure that the intelligence consumer—whether Washington policymaker or battlefield commander—receives the best intelligence possible. As changing global realities have reordered the national security agenda, CIA has met these challenges by: †¢Creating special, multidisciplinary centers to address such high-priority issues such as nonproliferation, counterterrorism, counterintelligence, international organized crime and narcotics trafficking, environment, and arms control intelligence. †¢Forging stronger partnerships between the several intelligence collection disciplines and all-source analysis. †¢Taking an active part in Intelligence Community analytical efforts and producing all-source analysis on the full range of topics that affect national security. †¢Contributing to the effectiveness of the overall Intelligence Community by managing services of common concern in imagery nalysis and open-source collection and participating in partnerships with other intelligence agencies in the areas of research and development and technical collection. By emphasizing adaptability in its approach to intelli gence collection, the CIA can tailor its support to key intelligence consumers and help them meet their needs as they face the issues of the post-Cold War World. Posted: Dec 19, 2006 02:07 PM Last Updated: Jan 10, 2013 08:09 AM Last Reviewed: Dec 30, 2011 12:36 PM History of the CIA The United States has carried out intelligence activities since the days of George Washington, but only since World War II have they been coordinated on a government-wide basis. President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed New York lawyer and war hero, William J. Donovan, to become first the Coordinator of Information, and then, after the US entered World War II, head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1942. The OSS – the forerunner to the CIA – had a mandate to collect and analyze strategic information. After World War II, however, the OSS was abolished along with many other war agencies and its functions were transferred to the State and War Departments. It did not take long before President Truman recognized the need for a postwar, centralized intelligence organization. To make a fully functional intelligence office, Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 establishing the CIA. The National Security Act charged the CIA with coordinating the nation’s intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence affecting national security. On December 17, 2004, President George W. Bush signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act which restructured the Intelligence Community by abolishing the position of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (DDCI) and creating the position the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA).

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Web Influence Over Business Essay Example For Students

Web Influence Over Business Essay The Internet will greatly alter the structure and operation of all industries. For the management of any existing business the central question is not whetherthe Internet will be relevant to your business, but rather what will we need todo to profit from that change ( The Internet ). The Internet is evolvingmany aspects of business and it creates many new business opportunities. It isdeveloping what is called the New Business Environment, because it changesthe way products are developed, distributed, marketed, sold, and serviced (Business on the ). In theory, doing business over the Internet withconsumers should be ideal however, many people are not comfortable with it yet. We will write a custom essay on Web Influence Over Business specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now It will take a little while before most people are completely at ease and orderproducts. First off, the Internet will provide many capabilities that will bevery beneficial to a business. Some of the benefits include E-mail, MailingLists, UseNet, Telnet, FTP, Gopher, and of course the World Wide Web. All ofthese are a way to keep you informed and in touch with business associates andcustomers anywhere in the world ( What can the ). With an Intranet inplace youve got an infrastructure for group applications, you dont need toinstall software on everyones PC, they can just use their Web browser andwhile the main costs are in employee time, the cost of software has droppedsignificantly ( Put Your Own ). The effects of the Internet will take adecade or more to generally replace existing patterns of business. The Internetand its strategic impact are not technological issues, they are business ones (The Internet ). Executives are likely to carry responsibility for whethertheir organization u ltimately prospers or perishes in an Internet impactedworld. The particular impact will differ between industries, so you need toidentify the likely form of impact it will have on your industry and adoptappropriate strategies. A few threats are when using the Internet, competitorsbecome relatively more effective, e.g. reducing costs, improving service andincreasing sales impact. Also, some important customers or suppliers may havemigrated exclusively to the Internet and are inaccessible in any other way. Somefirms redefine the industry in a very fundamental way that threatens allexisting competitors ( The Internet ). With the advent of the Internet, ithas dramatically improved operational and sales effectiveness in numerousdifferent applications. A few such areas are, on-line stockbrokers: such asE*Trade and Ceres, on-line travel agents, banks and other financial services:such as on-line banking systems, and insurance and fund management. Right now,there are many companies whose out reach is global such as and CD Now,soon all of the above areas will be global ( Daring ). Another area of thebusiness environment that will be significantly changed due to the Internet aresmall firms, especially ones who wish to export. The Internet can relativelyeasily give small firms access to international markets, and engage in electriccommerce ( Cragg ). However, not much is known about the use of the Internet bysmall firms, mainly because it is such a new method. An example of such an ideawas taken advantage of by Elizabeth Botham ; Sons Bakery. The bakery islocated in a small town called Whitby in North Yorkshire and business is toughbecause it is geographically restricting and it is based in a very seasonabletown. In order to do business and keep their staff hired year around themanager, Mike Jarman turned to the Internet. He found a company called OctagonLtd., which helped him get started. Since going on the Web in 1995, the companyhas had over 25,000 potential customers visit the site and receives a dozenhefty orders a week ( Yorkshire Bakery ). The Web is a great distributiontool, the information you place on your Web site can be accessed 24 hours a day,7 days a week. The Web can save you time and money in information distributionover traditional mail and printing methods ( Daring ). Rather than reading astatic advertisement, your customers can go directly to their areas of interestand see an intriguing web page. They can get detailed information on your staffand services, browse your product lines, and get up to date information on whatis happening in your company. One of the benefits of a web site is that yourcustomer can respond to you directly ( Shaw ). Even though the Internet has manybenefits, there is still a few drawbacks to this technology. First of all,communicating with clients and customers via E-mail only goes so far. It ispretty difficult to market a product over a computer, basically whatever acustomer sees they get. Also, empowerment is being transferred from sellers tobuyers. The Internet is decreasing the importance of a merchants locale andinformation about competing products is readily available ( Business on ). .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 , .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 .postImageUrl , .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 , .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0:hover , .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0:visited , .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0:active { border:0!important; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0:active , .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0 .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u08765bfd8ab1b4867ac048208d54f8a0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 3 Non Traditional Religions Voodoo, Spiritualism, EssayCustomers cannot be swayed by a salesperson over the Internet. A benefit as wellas a side effect of the Internet, is it is knocking down market entry barriers,the Internet has no borders and the companys market is global. A smallcompany can be just as easily found on the Internet as a large one. The biggestproblem that the Internet is going to have to overcome is the fact that peopleare still very skeptical about making purchases over the Internet. You could getscammed and not even know it. This will change eventually when people can becomfortable with the services that it provides, but this will take some time. With the incorporation of the Internet, business have undergone many changes inthe past few years. They have become more in touch with many overseascompanys and even companys here in the US. Many industries have realizedthat if they dont adjust and incorporate the Internet in some way, they maynot be around for much longer. Businesses are going to be on the Internetbecause it represents an additional and inexpensive resource for findingcustomers because they can market directly with less advertising and a smallerwork force ( Dearth ). The bottom line is that the Internet needs to focus ongrowing existing accounts, extending to new markets and new customers, providingbetter customer service, and providing a higher level of customer satisfaction. Even though this may take some time, it is going to eventually happen and Ithink that most people who take a chance will be very satisfied with theoutcomes.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Looking At The Different Social Work Theories Social Work Essays

Looking At The Different Social Work Theories Social Work Essays Looking At The Different Social Work Theories Social Work Essay Looking At The Different Social Work Theories Social Work Essay Social work theories represent sets of thoughts that assist in explicating the grounds for happening of events or why specific events happened in peculiar ways and are used to foretell likely future actions of present results. It is of import to appreciate that theories, whilst based on concluding and grounds, are non once and for all proved. In societal work pattern they provide alternate models for understanding issues by the linkage of sets of thoughts, and aid people to do sense of specific state of affairss or fortunes. Their application helps societal workers in steering pattern and in accomplishing way in their attempts. This survey takes up the ecological attack for treatment and assesses its utility for societal work pattern. The ecological attack is besides compared with humanitarianism and existential philosophy and its assorted facets are critically analysed with regard to accomplishment of managerialism and answerability in societal work pattern. Kurt Lewin, ( Plas, 1981 ) , states that good theory is basically practical. It provides a manner to look at the universe and ushers action for the accomplishment of vision of the manner things should be. Ecological theory, many experts feel, fits with Lewin s axiom and has the possible to give societal workers, both a practical position for effectual societal intercession, and a larger position for sing and measuring the societal universe ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . Whilst Roger Barker, ( 1968 ) , initiated the application of ecological constructs to analysis of human behavior, the application of such ecological positions to societal work pattern did non happen until it was taken up by Carel Germain in the mid 1970s ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The ecological attack has since so go increasingly popular among societal workers and is now normally used as a pattern attack for intercession ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The attack, despite going more normally used, does hold some majo r restrictions, head among which is the deficiency of ( a ) clearly defined processs for battle in appraisal, and ( B ) specific sets of techniques and schemes for intercession ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The acceptance of the ecological attack enables societal work practicians to understand the significance of the adaptative tantrum between the environment and beings ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . An grasp of such a tantrum in bend enables the outgrowth of a pattern theoretical account that basically focuses on the importance of turn uping ways and agencies to first assist persons in accommodating to their environments and 2nd in the preparation of schemes for altering environmental elements that could do jobs for service users ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . It is of import to understand three constructs, viz. ( a ) behavior scenes, ( B ) the ecosystem and ( degree Celsius ) definition of client jobs, in order to understand and appreciate the tantrum between beings and their environment ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . An apprehension of these constructs helps in understanding the significantly unconventional and different attack of the ecological position ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The construct of behaviour scenes provides fresh penetrations in the relationship that exists between single behavior and environmental scene. Barker and Gum ( 1964 ) , found that persons react otherwise to different types of environment. Analysis of behavior scene helps societal workers to gestate the jobs of service users and is considered to be a basic unit of analysis for the application of the ecological attack to societal work pattern. The behavior scene, it must nevertheless be clarified, represents more than the traditional construct of behavior as the response to a stimulation and is perceived to be a complex relationship of people, puting, clip and single behavior. A pudding stone of such behaviour scenes signifiers ecology ( Germain A ; Bloom, 1999, p 16-22 ) . Specific persons map in more than one specific ecology. The ecosystem of persons consists of the assorted inter-relationships and the conglobation of such ecologies ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The ecosystem of a kid, for illustration comprises of the ego, the household, the school and the larger community ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . It is of import to understand that the client, in such a construct of ecosystem is an built-in constituent of the ecological system and can non be juxtaposed with the larger environment ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The ecosystem of an single consists of four distinct degrees, viz. the micro-system, the meso-system, the exo-system, and the macro-system. The micro-system represents the immediate environment, viz. the impact of personality features of an person on other household members ( Jones, 2010, p 67 ) . The meso-system is more complex and refers to the interactive procedures that occur between multiple micro-systems ( Jones, 2010, p 67 ) . The e xo-system and macro-system likewise refer to more generalized degrees and stand for more extended interaction of ecologies ( Jones, 2010, p 67 ) . A The service user in such fortunes becomes the shaping and primary member of the eco system that in bend comprises of assorted overlapping subsistence like the household, the work topographic point and the larger community ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The psychosocial development and accommodation of persons are perceived to be the effect of minutess between persons and their environments. The ecological position suggests the happening of cyclic and bidirectional activities between persons and their environments ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The environment in the first topographic point affects the development and accommodation of persons. The behavior of persons lead to responses inside the environment and the altered environment thenceforth exerts a different force per unit area on the person ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . Social workers can see this procedure as consecutive or coincident common influence, for illustration X affects Y, which once more affects X or X and Y come together to organize a integrity that defines the state of affairs ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . This construct and these position points are of import because they lead to the preparation of new ways for conducting of appraisal and transporting out of intercession in societal work pattern ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The acceptance of the ecological position point leads to the shifting of focal point from single personality and behavioral features to relationships between persons, their households, their communities and other ecolog ies that are included in their eco systems ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . Most people do run in societal ecologies that are adaptative or congruent and where people are in harmoniousness with the societal norms of their environments ( Norman, 2000, p 11-17 ) . The demand for societal work intercession comes approximately when such adaptative tantrums cease to be and take to mal accommodations ( Norman, 2000, p 11-17 ) . The ecological position differs significantly from traditional societal work position points on definition of jobs of service users ( Tew, 2005, p 31-36 ) . Most conventional positions concentrate on persons for definition of jobs of service users and perceive such service users to be aberrant, behaviourally troubled or emotionally disturbed ( Tew, 2005, p 31-36 ) . The ecological attack really significantly does non comprehend the symptoms of service user s family footings of single pathologies but looks at such symptoms to be declarative of misfunctioning eco systems ( Tew, 2005, p 31-36 ) . Advocates of the ecological attack are likely to comprehend emotional perturbations to be comprehensive jobs that are happening in the uninterrupted version that is taking topographic point between beings and their environments ( Wilson, 1999, p 4-11 ) . Mal-adoptions are therefore felt to shack non merely in the activity of persons upon their environments but besides of the environments upon p ersons ( Wilson, 1999, p 4-11 ) . Individual jobs and troubles in societal operation are therefore perceived to stem from synergistic, dynamic and mutual sets of forces that work between persons and their eco systems ( Wilson, 1999, p 4-11 ) . The relationship between debatable societal operation and ecology has been studied in assorted relationships between ( a ) societal category and hospitalization for psychiatric causes, ( B ) chance of specific types of mental complaints and spacial community forms and ( degree Celsius ) self-destruction rates and societal administration of communities ( Peters A ; Marshall, 1996, p 17-32 ) . It is apparent that the acceptance of the ecological position requires a extremist displacement of attack by societal workers, who must travel off from persons and seek to understand a unit that is termed as individual-in-ecology ( Peters A ; Marshall, 1996, p 17-32 ) . Such an attack requires the screening of single jobs in footings of mal adaptative systems and even differences in labelling of clients, who for illustration should be termed as upseting clients instead than emotionally disturbed ( Peters A ; Marshall, 1996, p 17-32 ) . Application of Ecological Approach for Intervention The ecological scheme for intercession evidently calls for an ecological appraisal of the jobs of service users ( Norman, 2000, p 11-17 ) . Such ecological appraisal basically involves two of import issues, viz. ( a ) the designation of grounds for strife in eco systems and beginnings of strength, which can be utilised to heighten the degree of tantrum between service users and of import people in the lives, and ( B ) specification of the services that will be needed to let service users to come on towards accomplishment of coveted ends ( Norman, 2000, p 11-17 ) . Traditional theoretical accounts of societal work, it is easy to understand, are far more simplistic than the ecological appraisal attack ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . Such methods are narrower and perceive single service users to be the lone focal point of the assessment process ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . The intercession theoretical account in the ecological attack comprises of specific stairss that assist in interlingual rendition of such appraisal into appropriate schemes for intercession ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . Such an intercession attack consists of seven specific phases and can be applied in a figure of pattern countries ( Nash, et Al, 2005, p 32-41 ) . The intercession theoretical account in the ecological attack is similar to other traditional attacks with respect to assemblage of informations but deviates significantly in the ways in which societal work practicians conceptualise and organise the procedures of appraisal and intercession ( Nash, et Al, 2005, p 32-41 ) . The seven of import phases in the intercession procedure comprise of ( a ) come ining the system, ( B ) mapping the ecology, ( degree Celsius ) measuring the ecology, ( vitamin D ) making a vision for alteration, ( vitamin E ) coordinating and communication, ( degree Fahrenheit ) reassessing and ( g ) evaluating ( Nash, et Al, 2005, p 32-41 ) . These stairss are significantly different from traditional methods of appraisal and intercession and plays far greater duties on the shoulders of societal work practicians ( Nash, et Al, 2005, p 32-41 ) . The first measure of the societal work practician concerns come ining the exo-system of the universe of the service user, such a procedure involves appraisal of assorted relationships in the life of the service user and designation of an entry point into the universe of the service user ( Kerson, 2002, p 8-14 ) . Appraisal of relationships in such fortunes involves scrutiny of the assorted sub systems like the immediate household, the workplace and the community that shape the universe of the service user ( Norman, 2000, p 11-17 ) . The societal work practician can obtain important information from scrutiny of such sub systems for the preparation of intercession schemes ( Norman, 2000, p 11-17 ) . Appraisal of assorted subsystems is thenceforth followed by entry into the universe of the client ( Norman, 2000, p 11-17 ) . This is mostly done through an interview affecting the societal worker, the service user and people in his or her immediate household ( Kerson, 2002, p 8-14 ) . The societal worker, after come ining the universe of the service user commences ecological function ( Kerson, 2002, p 8-14 ) . Such mapping involves analysis of assorted sub systems and designation of people and events that are relevant to the challenges facing the service user ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . Such mapping involves interaction with representatives of different sub systems like partner, parents or immediate friends and leads to obtaining of really of import information ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The function of ecology is followed by reading and appraisal. Social workers, at this phase of the procedure hunt for of import jobs and beginnings of strength in the eco system of service users ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . The description of relationships and repeating subjects in the lives of service users forms an of import facet of this phase and helps in placing jobs every bit good as beginnings of strength that can assist the service users in accomplishing a better tantrum with the environment ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . Appraisal of ecology is followed by turn uping the countries that require to be altered to heighten the societal operation of service users ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . Social workers whilst concentrating on the needed alteration demand to see the service users entire eco system and utilize all available strengths in the ecology ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . Practitioners should be unfastened to different alteration possibilities and implement proposed programs of action after obtaining the understanding of service users ( Meinert, et Al, 1994, p 26-33 ) . Social workers must pass on and organize with people in the eco system during much of the intercession procedure ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . A important portion of the alteration procedure lies in the custodies of of import people in the eco systems of service users and practicians need to offer support and facilitate alteration attempts through place visits and telephone calls ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . Reappraisal and rating besides form of import constituents of the ecological intercession procedure ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . Social workers should be unfastened on remapping the ecology and working through subsequent phases if the intercession attempts do non look to be accomplishing their stated aims ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The concluding phase of intercession that is the comprehensive rating of the procedure concerns the assemblage of information through informal meetings and the usage of construction questionnaires ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . The rating procedure is of import for practicians because it enables them to heighten the quality of their ecological attack based intervention process ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . Advantages and Disadvantages of the Ecological Approach It is of import to understand that ecological positions help societal workers significantly in understanding human jobs to basically be results of uninterrupted minutess of different types between environments and people ( Ginsburg, 1990, p 12-21 ) . The conceptualising of human jobs in this manner helps societal workers in understanding that strife between people and their environment can take specifically to adverse physical, emotional and societal effects upon people ( Ginsburg, 1990, p 12-21 ) . Such a focal point is besides a consolidative characteristic of societal work pattern. The acceptance of this attack helps societal workers in taking away their focal point from persons as perverts with emotional and mental troubles and helps in puting them merely as persons who have mal-adaption with their environments ( Henderson, 1994, p 38-45 ) . The probe and assessment procedure under this attack besides allows societal workers to interact with assorted people who are of import to t he service user and construct an intercession program that involves non merely the societal worker and the service user but besides other people who are close to the service user, understand his or her jobs and are able to assist the service user in accomplishing the desired aims ( Henderson, 1994, p 38-45 ) . Whilst the ecological attack helps societal workers significantly in gestating the indispensable concerns of societal work pattern, the attack continues to hold some built-in troubles and jobs ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . It does non for illustration provide clearly laid down sets of processs and procedures for appraisal and intercession, every bit good as schemes and concluding for their usage ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . Social workers therefore use the attack for understanding the basic relationships between service users and their environments but have to thereafter devise and explicate their ain appraisal and intercession processs ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . It has besides disturbingly been found that when societal workers intervene in the eco systems of service users by opening up communicating channels with other people in the eco system, such intercessions frequently do non hold lucidity in footings of results and can take to negative effects ( Pardeck, 1988, p 92-100 ) . Critics of the ecological attack besides argue that its application leads practicians to comprehend jobs with such wide positions that practicians attempt to be after so comprehensively that existent effectivity of pattern gets jeopardised ( Henderson, 1994, p 38-45 ) . Whilst such disadvantages and unfavorable judgments do hold virtue and must be considered by workers who opt to utilize the ecological attack, its acceptance and application does enable societal workers to obtain much larger positions and greater and more dynamic apprehension of persons and their societal, cultural and physical environments ( Henderson, 1994, p 38-45 ) . The acceptance of such positions consequences in turning away of blaming of victims and in location of appraisal and intercession of the issue in the ecosystem of service users ( Henderson, 1994, p 38-45 ) . Mentions Barker, R. , 1968, Ecological Psychology: Concepts and Methods for Analyzing the Environment of Human Behaviour, Stanford, California: Stanford University. Barker, R. , A ; Gump, P. , 1964, Big School, Small School, Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Germain, C. , 1973, An Ecological Position in Casework , Social Casework, 54, 323-330. Germain, C. B. , A ; Bloom, M. , 1999, Human Behavior in the Social Environment: An Ecological View ( 2nd ed. ) , New York: Columbia University Press. Ginsburg, E. H. , 1990, Effective Interventions: Using Learning Theory to School Social Work, New York: Greenwood Press. Henderson, G. , 1994, Social Work Interventions: Helping Peoples of Color, Westport, CT: Bergin A ; Garvey. Jones, P. , 2010, Reacting to the Ecological Crisis: Transformative Nerve pathwaies for Social Work Education, Journal of Social Work Education, 46 ( 1 ) , 67. Kerson, T. S. , 2002, Boundary Spanning: An Ecological Reinterpretation of Social Work Practice in Health and Mental Health Systems, New York: Columbia University Press. Meinert, R. G. , Pardeck, J. T. , A ; Sullivan, W. P. ( Eds. ) , 1994, Issues in Social Work: A Critical Analysis, Westport, CT: Auburn House. Nash, M. , Munford, R. , A ; ODonoghue, K. ( Eds. ) , 2005, Social Work Theories in Action, London: Jessica Kingsley. Norman, E. ( Ed. ) , 2000, Resiliency Enhancement: Puting the Strengths Perspective into Social Work Practice, New York: Columbia University Press. Pardeck, T. J. , 1988, Social Treatment through an Ecological Approach , Clinical Social Work Journal, Vol 16, No 1. Peters, M. , A ; Marshall, J. , 1996, Individualism and Community: Education and Social Policy in the Postmodern Condition, London: Falmer Press. Plas, J. , 1981, The Psychologist in the School Community: A Liaison Role , School Psychology Review, 10, 72-81. Tew, J. ( Ed. ) . , 2005, Social Perspectives in Mental Health: Developing Social Models to Understand and Work with Mental Distress, London: Jessica Kingsley. Wilson, D. J. , 1999, Indigenous South Americans of the Past and Present: An Ecological Position, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Class scientific literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Class scientific literacy - Essay Example How did he gain extensive knowledge on the subject? Through formal education or mere observation? Who was this person? Where is this person now? There is also a possibility that Super Novas are of varied types. Are there different types of Super Novas? Is there a classification for such? How does he determine or differentiate one from the other? Where do stars come from? How do they come about? How do they die? Do Super Novas have the same life span as other stars? How often do stars reproduce themselves? With continual research being done to come up with highly developed instruments, how advanced is technology pertaining to Astronomy? How expensive can they get? Can digital cameras do the job of capturing the movement of stars? If not, what is the instrument to use? Would you recommend what is called â€Å"charge-coupled devices† in practicing this hobby? 2) Many scientists discussed in Bryson pre-dated the Nobel Prizes. Nominate one of these scientists for a pre-Nobel prize - the "DSL100 Award." Select a discovery worthy of receiving such an honor and provide 3 specific reasons your nominee should win. I would nominate Charles Darwin for a Nobel Prize. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by means of what he calls natural selection (Bryson, 2003) is one of the most essential and most fundamental theories of how man evolved and came to be. It is fascinating to note that Darwin adhered to the idea that humans are the upgraded versions of apes. Darwin had other worthy contributions to science but this discovery had the greatest impact and significance to mankind. - Darwin was a scientist at heart. At a young age, he traveled the world to make observations on plants and animals. He eventually succeeded and was able to come up with inferences which he wrote in a book entitled â€Å"The Origin of Species†. If not for his discovery, other scientists would not have had a basic idea to work on and initiate further studies on the