Thursday, May 21, 2020

Easy Environmental Issues to Write About

Easy Environmental Issues to Write AboutIf you are writing about environmental issues, then there are several easy environmental issues to write about. One of the easiest ones is to write about wildlife. As a matter of fact, writing about animals and their habitats is an especially easy topic. Here are a few ideas about this subject.One of the easiest environmental issues to write about is the effect that climate change has on wildlife. There are many ways that animals can adjust to a change in climate. One way is to migrate.There are birds that can migrate between different climates, some migrate only as far north as Canada and others migrate as far south as the southern United States. In general, these birds have adapted to various temperatures, to changing rainfall and even to various vegetation patterns.Even some of the animals that are classified as 'predators' may be considered 'prey.' For example, there are some birds that feed on insects, such as cicadas, which require a spec ific temperature in order to survive. Other birds that feed on bugs do not live in very hot or very cold conditions.There are animals that prey on plants, such as caterpillars and snails. In general, animals feed on a variety of plants, which makes it difficult to categorize them in a single category. However, they do make a nice target for predators and prey. This is why, when you write about animals and their habitat, you should consider them all the same species.Another obvious point to remember when you are writing about wildlife is that they are vulnerable to predators. Predators can take any number of steps to get at an animal. Some animals simply flee while others attack immediately. The problems for theseanimals do not end once they have been taken down.They may find their way back to the wild after being hunted, and then find that there is nowhere else for them to go. It is not unusual for some animals to be killed over by the same predator. These animals become overpopulat ed and injured. Overcrowded animals tend to die.Writing about animals is no less interesting than writing about plants or fungi or bacteria. If anything, the subjects are more interesting because the animals have a life of their own and have their own traits. When you consider that, compared to plants, animals have a life span of a few decades, it makes it even more fascinating to think about.

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